A Family Update and Resurrection of the Blog
Hi all! I’m back finally after a long blogging hiatus (juggling the 2 under 2 was no joke and my free time was pretty scarce!).
Since my last post ALOT has happened. For one, Gabe has gone from 1 month to 10.5 months and geez did that fly by!
Boy do those two pics, side by side, make me sad…and happy and all the feels at the same time. This year has been a fabulous whirlwind of firsts, but watching these two grow side by side is something I will never tire of.
Gabe and Liam have become the best of friends. They chase each other all day long and are already tackling/attacking one another (as I typed that, I instantly thought of all the things that are about to get broken in my house these next few years..). I say it often, but these really are the days. Watching them grow, and play, and learn new phrases (Liam’s new fave “you kiddin me!?”) makes my heart so full. Each day is incredibly long and challenging and my patience is often pretty thin, but each year flies by faster than ever.
Some other random things that have happened: Liam potty trained, I gave Liam the worst haircut ever (trying to fix a bad haircut from the salon), and the boys took their first swim lessons.

Probably our biggest update is that we moved! Tim took a new job in Northern Virginia at the beginning of May and by Memorial Day Weekend we were gone. We were sad to leave the first town we ever called home and all the memories we made there. We were also sad to be leaving some amazing family, our great friends, the Deweys, and a pretty great Church community. But, we are happy to finally be where we’ve always wanted to be, and where we’ve always wanted to lay down our roots and raise our family. We are surrounded by family on both sides and endless amounts of friends with babies of their own.

Our daily life looks alot different these days, with endless play dates, pick up basketball games, family parties, get togethers here and there. We had to buy a calendar for the first time to prevent double booking our events. I do miss the simplicity of the day to day life we had in Vernon, but the craziness we have here is pretty amazing.

And lastly, I started my very own fabric collection! I have been wanting to do this for quite some time and I finally got around to it. The colors and prints are everything I dreamed of and more! I created these with interiors in mind (HELLO Interior Decorator here!), so they all coordinate together and will look perfect mixed and matched in any area of the home! They can be purchased by the yard on Spoonflower or you can purchase items directly through my Etsy Shop.

I am so excited to be back to blogging and have quite a few design/nursery related posts scheduled. Including tips on mixing patterns and some fall fabrics you’ll want to incorporate (I know I’m bummed too that summer is almost over)! Feel free to comment and let me know what you’d love to read! Stay tuned!